Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Merry Christmas and Happy Deductible!!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Grateful for Second Chances. And Thirds. And Fourths.

Sunday, November 22, 2009
Gratitude Day 4: My Grandpa's Pipes
For the record, I stole this picture from my cousin Carly's Blog - thanks Carly!
He had a career in radio and his voice could melt butter. He and my Grandma performed together (he sang and she accompanied him on the piano) and performed at many venues, especially retirement homes, weddings, funerals and church functions. They made a CD a while back, and I love to listen to it during the holidays. It reminds me where I came from and helps me remember him. In his underwear. Shooting crows. I miss him.
He passed away two years ago. The funeral was lovely and unforgettable. At the end we played a recording that he had prepared for his funeral long before he was even sick. At first I thought that perhaps singing at your own funeral would be strange and I wondered if people would think it slightly gauche. True to form, the beginning of the recording was my grandpa saying, "If you're listening to this, I'm gone now. And whether I'm going to heaven or hell, I'm sure I'll see many of you there" which preceded a beautiful version of the old gospel anthem "Going Home." The idea that we were departing from a beloved grandpa and had his own voice soothing and comforting us while celebrating his life, was very therapeutic and moving.
Fast forward to today: Sundays are usually chaotic around here. We attend Sunday afternoon church and my kids usually have quiet times/naps during that time. By the time the sun sets, my children resemble manic depressive rabid monkeys on uppers. Tonight, between time-outs and food fights I turned on my grandpa's CD and just sat. The Red Baron came and sat on my lap, and the Little Man soon followed. His soothing voice, repeating the songs that I loved as a rabid monkey, spoke to my children somehow, and they both calmed down. It was only a moment, but I know they heard him and something tells me they recognized his voice. Maybe he and the Little Man high-fived while passing in heaven (Grandpa died 2 months before the Little Man was born). I hope the Little Man got some good jokes out of him while there too. Something to make me secretly laugh, but publicly send him to time-out. Because I'm sure the jokes are inappropriate for even monkeys.
So today, I'm grateful for my Grandpa's pipes.
* I'm trying to figure out how to upload my very favorite song onto this blog. If anyone knows how to do that, please tell me and I will forever be indebted to you.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Gratitude Day 3: Surprises
Friday, November 20, 2009
Gratitude Day 2: Babies

Thursday, November 19, 2009
Miss Me?

Sunday, November 8, 2009
Having "The Talk" With My Stuff
Friday, October 30, 2009
Top 10 Things About Being A Swino
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Sharks with Freakin' Laser Beams
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Oink - Public Service Announcement
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Alternative Medicine
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Opposite Day
Sunday, October 11, 2009
RIP Rest In Peace
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Nowhere To Hide
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Farewell Queen of Awkward
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Something Is Wrong With My Phone
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Pieface Origins
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Wife of the Year
So, I had a couple extra minutes the other day, and thought "Pieface, you should do something nice for the man in your life." See, he was having a hard day and everything seemed a little bleak. And I know that when I have a hard day, a little extra attention, a thoughtful gesture, a reassuring word or a fully cooked ham is all I need to get me through the tough moments. The next problem would be what do to? What could help his mood and lift his spirit? Should I make him something? Would he like a new outfit? How about if I send him out of the house with a book and "free time?" My brain came up with all these really fantastic answers and all these incredible ideas, but I realized they were all things that I wanted and not what HE would want.
And finally it dawned on me. The perfect, most excellent thing I could do for him, and it was shockingly simple.
So, I shaved my legs.
I don’t want you, dear Pieface reader, to think that I take my hygiene lightly or that I’m not a fan of shaved legs because that would be false. I’m a huge fan of shaved legs, and love the feeling and look of them immensely. My problem is that they require some time and effort which are in short supply these days (what with my new blogging responsibilities and all). Also, with the turning of seasons, and the pants being dusted off and pulled to the front of the closet again, shaved legs seem as useful as a calculator watch (don’t tell me you have forgotten all about the calculator watch!). In fact, unshaven legs are very useful in providing that extra layer of heat padding for those especially brisk days. Who in their right mind wouldn't want an extra layer of heat padding? Sounds fantastic, doesn't it? But this perspective isn't quite the view the man in my life takes. It's not that he wants me to be cold or anything ridiculous like that. Nor does he even really care if my legs are shaved or not (or that he really has a choice in the matter). I just know that it's something that I can do, like a nice little gesture to show him:
"Hey you.. yeah, you in the back, next to the Doritos... I know you care about this, and even though I don't really care about it, I care about it today because you care about it."
So there you have it. Shaved legs.
Don't say I never did anything for you, honey!